~|28-01:51:35|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Hmm, M100 for all your shopping needs? How about something to deal with little twerps who try to get into people's inventories when they're idle?"
~|28-01:52:09|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix stares at 100michael
~|28-01:53:07|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "yeah im worknig on that"
~|28-01:53:39|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Sure you are."
~|28-01:54:10|<Public> ZaleCorp Zalethon says, "rofl"
~|28-01:54:25|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Might I ask what exactly it was you were trying to get at in my inventory?"
~|28-01:54:38|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "huh?"
~|28-01:54:56|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Last night when you tried to enter my inventory 3 times."
~|28-01:55:00|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "O_o"
~|28-01:55:04|<Public> Hyacinth has partially disconnected.
~|28-01:55:06|<Public> Prize Inside. Lancustran says, "He wants to be inside of you. ):"
~|28-01:55:22|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "where the hell are you talking about?"
~|28-01:56:28|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Uhm, you gave me an object named 'lolly'."
~|28-01:56:40|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "..."
~|28-01:56:48|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "your holding me for another"
~|28-01:56:58|<Public> Prize Inside. Lancustran says, "He was using innuendo maneuver."
~|28-01:56:59|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix checks his logs to make sure.
~|28-01:57:23|<Public> ZaleCorp Zalethon says, "he gave me a lolly too"
~|28-02:00:31|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "At 6:37 AM last night he gave me an object named lolly, at 6:37:59, 6:39:25, and 6:40:28 he teleported into my inventory, only to be immediately ejected."
~|28-02:00:49|<Public> GWB runs this mother dr.shack says, "leave it to cage to have it down to the second."
~|28-02:00:55|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "O_o"
~|28-02:00:59|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Timestamps"
~|28-02:01:08|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "thats not me..."
~|28-02:01:14|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "when was that?"
~|28-02:01:19|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "last night you say?"
~|28-02:01:45|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "100michael(#27714PCIeAC) just 'enter'ed you."
~|28-02:02:03|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "=//"
~|28-02:02:11|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "That's your dbref."
~|28-02:02:17|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "theres something wrong with your logs"
~|28-02:02:36|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Yeah, sure, right."
~|28-02:02:55|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "dude it wasnt me!"
~|28-02:03:23|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Well unless somebody else has your password, it couldn't be anybody else."
~|28-02:03:23|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "and if i was it i would try another 7 times because you got cwl stuff in your inv"
~|28-02:04:06|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "You can look at stuff in other people's inventories without entering em."
~|28-02:04:44|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Oh whatever, all my stuff is locked anyway."
~|28-02:04:55|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "yeah you heard that you smelly inventory rubber? ha!"
~|28-02:05:27|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "That sentence made no sense."
~|28-02:05:32|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "and he cant even enter you because he gets auto teleported to sun!"
~|28-02:05:37|<Public> Zalethon has disconnected.
~|28-02:05:43|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Aha!"
~|28-02:05:43|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "heh"
~|28-02:05:54|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "huh?"
~|28-02:05:58|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "So you are aware of it."
~|28-02:06:05|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "I never said I sent him to the sun."
~|28-02:06:09|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "o..."
~|28-02:06:16|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "(im screwed)"
~|28-02:06:26|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix LOL
~|28-02:07:12|<Public> GWB runs this mother dr.shack says, "cage thinks he's so tricky"
~|28-02:07:12|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "It's not exactly a crime entering other people"
~|28-02:07:12|<Public> Prize Inside. Lancustran says, "I wish I were tricky."
~|28-02:07:46|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "But if you weren't a newbie I'd probably dart you."
~|28-02:07:50|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "wow, 100michael is breathtakinglingly stupid"
~|28-02:07:54|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "I mean, I thought he was stupid before"
~|28-02:08:03|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "(sigh)"
~|28-02:08:20|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "But this is, like, world-class stupid."
~|28-02:08:28|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "..."
~|28-02:08:49|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "It's funny to see him try to talk his way out of it though, so I think I'll forgive him."
~|28-02:08:52|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "Outwitted by Cage."
~|28-02:09:04|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "cello it would have worked if malix dindt had a log!"
~|28-02:09:17|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "Or backlog"
~|28-02:09:24|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "so whos stupid?"
~|28-02:09:29|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "Uh, you."
~|28-02:09:35|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "..."
~|28-02:09:46|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "If you are going to do something, you don't do it when they are able to watch."
~|28-02:10:29|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "It was good for laughs though."
~|28-02:10:32|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, ">_>"
~|28-02:10:40|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "Quite demonstrative of world-class stupidity, however"
~|28-02:11:16|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "sighzor"
~|28-02:11:17|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "Not so much the act itself. But the attempt to talk his way out of it."
~|28-02:11:45|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "it almost worked you know ¬_¬"
~|28-02:11:52|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Sure it did."
~|28-02:12:00|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Keep telling yourself that."
~|28-02:12:05|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "sigh..."
~|28-02:12:46|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "anyways,you did gave me the idea to make a pocket protector,by just teleporting stuff to a storage room."
~|28-02:13:25|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "sadly it still teleports me .."
~|28-02:13:37|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "but i gotta go"
~|28-02:13:45|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "its 8:11 here,need to go to skool"
~|28-02:13:53|<Public> Programmer at all cost 100michael says, "byes"
~|28-02:13:54|<Public> 100michael has disconnected.
~|28-02:14:16|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "Cage, congratulations."
~|28-02:14:27|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "We have found someone with -even less cunning- than you."
~|28-02:14:32|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "You are someone's superior!"
~|28-02:15:29|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Well, it might of been cunning"
~|28-02:15:38|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "No, wait, no"
~|28-02:16:00|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "He just fancies himself cunning. He thinks that saying 'nuh-uh' is clever."
~|28-02:16:14|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "You at least demonstrate some knowledge of deceit and treachery"
~|28-02:16:21|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Hey!"
~|28-02:16:35|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "hmm?"
~|28-02:16:40|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "Never mind"
~|28-02:16:50|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix is kinda tired
~|28-02:16:53|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "Anyway, well done."
~|28-02:16:56|<Public> Prize Inside. Lancustran says, "Only evil people keep logs. ):"
~|28-02:16:59|<Public> Presharpened flaversham says, "I'm POOPED."
~|28-02:17:09|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello says, "I'd give you a coin if I could be bothered."
~|28-02:17:09|<Public> Presharpened flaversham says, "Hee. Pooped."
~|28-02:17:10|<Public> scent of lime dr.cello Idle.
~|28-02:18:33|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix is almost tempted to record that on his website.
~|28-02:18:55|<Public> #1 Room Finder: +finger Malix says, "It's funny."