A long time ago I started work on a space system, at first I was just gonna make a starship that I could fly around the game, then I was gonna add shuttles, and then a starbase to park it in, I was even thinking of a very small space area, that might link all the space things together, like satellites, the moon, etc.
Anyway, I never got very much work done on it, for one reason or another, either the queue cost might be too high, or it was too much work, or I just didn't feel like working on it. Anyway, I've decided I'm gonna try one more time to get to work on it.
I started it with star trek in mind at first, like most people do, but recently I've decided to go more in the direction of Stargate, with perhaps a little Star Trek thrown in here or there. I decided this for a couple reasons, for one it hasn't been done before, and I think it might make the coding a little easier perhaps. For example a ring transporter could detect whether there was a drop @lock. I didn't want to make just one more star trek based area it's just been overdone, this will ideally be both an area /and/ a vehicle(Although I think I personnally am just gonna work on the vehicle part, because I'm not a very good @descer).

If anybody has any suggestions for a cool piece of code I haven't listed, by all means let me know.

Anyway, in case you're interested here's a rough outline of some of the stuff I'm hoping to do code wise, I'm probably forgetting a lot of details.

(EC) = Error Checking(Just about all my code is gonna need it)
(??) = I really don't know if I'm gonna put this in or not.
(START) = Started.
(1/4) = Quarter Done.
(1/2) = Half done.
(3/4) = 3 Quarters Done.
(DONE) = Done.
(DONE-EC) = Done, except for error checking.

Ship To Do:

Puddle Jumper To Do: