MushClient Plugins

These are some plugins I made for MUSHclient. For instructions on how to use them visit here and scroll down below the list of plugins.

GrabName.xml - This is useful for editing object names, eg. adding aliases to an exit. This is outdated and there's an improved version in GrabPack below.

GrabLock.xml - This lets you grab and edit a lock. This is outdated and there's an improved version in GrabPack below.

RegExp_Tester.xml - This lets you test regular expressions using the MUSHes built-in regmatchi() and shows you what each argument to the command would be.

GrabPack.xml - This is a combination of cosmetically improved versions of grab, editor, grabname, and grablock as well as @rnattr.

News: 8/22/2007 v1.01 converted to Lua language for hopefully universal compatibility.
9/10/2007 v1.02 Found the grablock code was bugged, it has been fixed.

Paste_As_MUSH.xml - This plugin will convert the contents of the clipboard into MUSHcode format(%b, %t, %r, etc) and paste it into the command window. Just install it, copy what you want converted to the clipboard, then ctrl-click to bring up the alias menu, and click `Paste As MUSH`. It was designed for 8bitMUSH, but as long as you don't try to use extended characters it should work for any MUSH(at least pennMUSH based ones).

Updated 8/15/2007-renamed to Paste_As_MUSH.
Updated 10/11/2008-Version 1.1 Converted to Lua and now converts any character repeated a sufficient number of times into a repeat().
Updated 10/15/2008-Version 1.2 All the repeated appends in Lua made it eat up memory and slow down with larger strings, I've converted it to use table.insert() and table.concat() and it should now be /much/ faster.
Updated 10/18/2009-Version 1.21 Discovered bug where a single space at the end would not be escaped. Fixed.

ClientLock.xml - This plugin allows you to lock the command window so you can step away from the keyboard without somebody messing with your character.

New 6/6/2007 v1.01. Added protection from plugin disabling.

NoAnsi.xml - This plugin strips ANSI codes out of output, I personally don't see why anybody would want to, but I saw it on the MUSHclient suggestions/requests list(although it /was/ back in 1998) and decided that I might as well since it's soooo easy.

QueueControl.xml - This plugin gives a little more functionality to the speedwalk queue, mainly the ability to pause and resume it. I like to bind queuecount to Alt-Q and queuetoggle to Alt-P.

QueueControl_Lua.xml - 09/04/2008 This is the same as above, but rewritten in Lua for compatibility. I'm still new at Lua, so I /hope/ there's no bugs.

DailyLog.xml - This plugin closes and opens the logfile at midnight, you /must/ have a log filename with date substitutions set in the world preferences for this to work right.

WeeklyLog.xml - This plugin is like the DailyLog plugin, but does it once a week.

Edit_Command_Window.xml - New 10/21/2009. This rather simple plugin allows you to edit the contents of the command window in an edit box. Making it easier to deal with long commands. Updated 1.02- Info tells you how to assign to a macro, the game will pause when you use it, assuming the unpause on send option in the output config is unset, and is changed so it's omitted from the log and command history. Updated /again/ 10/29/2009 I had the save state checkbox selected by mistake so it was prompting to save world variables even though it uses none, a minor thing but I found it annoying so I fixed it.
Edit: 11/13/2009 v1.04. Made it so that if you have something selected in the command window, only that will be editted. If you have 4.40 or later it'll also reselect the changed selection after you editted it.

Auto_Resize_Command_Window.xml - New 11/12/2009. This is another simple plugin, which basically simply provides an interface to the hidden feature in v4.30 of MUSHclient which will automatically resize the command window to fit the command you type in it. This plugin allows you to turn it on/off, and allows you to specify the limits.

Autosay_Visualizer_1_01.xml - This is based off one of Nick Gammon's plugins, look here for the original post. I simply altered it slightly to get rid of a flicker effect, and to make it restore the input background color if you disable/uninstall it. I just haven't uploaded it until now.
