This is the webpage of cagefire2000 aka Malix@8bitMUSH.

I'm always open to hearing any suggestions for additions or improvements.

Video Search This is a little search page I made to allow you to easily search multiple video sites for the same search terms. It can be easily edited to search any pages you wish.

Files (5,066 bytes 4.94 KB) This is version 1.00 and 1.01 of a mutator I made for Unreal Tournament 99. It identifies the current weapon in the top left corner, useful in various situations, such as when your gun hand is hidden, when you're invisible, or when you are using weapons from multiple mods and mutators that look similar.

Stuff I've made/helped with on 8bit.
MUSHcode Tricks, Tips, and FAQs
My Unofficial 8bit Survival Guide this hopefully should be useful to newbies.
My Lot Rating Guidelines Some guidelines for rating lots on 8bit.

MushClient Plugins

This section has been moved to its own page. View it here.


8bitMUSH.syn - MUSH Syntax file for TextPad with some 8bit only commands. If you don't know, remove the .txt
TextPad-MU_Code-DocClass.reg - This is a registry editor file that /should/ add the MU* Code Document type to TextPad, be careful when modifying the registry. Remove the .txt, rightclick and merge. This file shouldn't really mess anything up though.

From time to time I see something funny on the net, and I have enough free time, so I put it here.
Funny Easter Bunny Cartoon
The difference between guts and balls.
Funny Signs
This is a funny log from 8bit.